Centredoc acquires the patent analytics business from IPStudies

Neuchâtel and Châtel-St-Denis, January 17, 2022
Centredoc acquires the patent analytics business from IPStudies

CENTREDOC and IPStudies today announced that CENTREDOC has acquired the patent analytics assets and operations from IPStudies as of Jan 1st, 2022. The transferred assets include the internationally renowned patent landscapes and patent monitoring services developed by IPStudies since 2014 on the revolutionary CRISPR genome editing technology. IPStudies customers will benefit from the latest advances in patent multi-categorization and multi-source feeds as developed by Centredoc with the breakthrough RAPID5 patent monitoring suite.

Corinne Le Buhan, CEO of IPStudies, said: “CENTREDOC has many years of experience in serving patent monitoring and business intelligence to a diversity of industries in Europe and will bring the IPStudies offering to the next level. With this transfer, we assure the sustainable growth of our patent analytics services demand, as biotech and medtech C-levels are more and more combining patent data with scientific publications and business intelligence to develop their IP strategy plans. ” Harald Jenny, CEO of CENTREDOC, said: “We are delighted to integrate the excellent patent analytics knowhow and life sciences expertise of IPStudies with a strong perspective of further growth through our latest RAPID5 tools and associated services.”

For more information:

Corinne LeBuhan, +41 79 787 57 46 Harald Jenny, +41 79 435 11 80

About CRISPR: https://www.ipstudies.ch/crispr-patent-analytics/

About RAPID5: https://www.centredoc.swiss/en/rapid/

2020 CRISPR patent landscape – where do we stand?

Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna just received a few hours ago the Nobel prize in Chemistry 2020 for “the development of a method of genome editing”, namely their 2012 discovery of the CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors which basically enables to “cut and paste” DNA. This scientific discovery has fueled an unprecedented biotechnology development in the past 8 years. When we started to analyze the genome editing patent landscape in Spring 2014, there were only 96 patent families(*) in our records in relation with CRISPR. We have now more than 7400 in our latest records – and adding an average of 200 more every month in 2020. What does this data tell us on who has taken advantage in engineering new life sciences solutions out of this amazing scientific discovery, now confirmed worth a Nobel Prize?

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IPStudies 10th year anniversary

2020 is such a special year that we almost forgot to celebrate the 10th anniversary of IPStudies patent analytics activities… the local party is postponed to a later, post-COVID date, but we’d still like to take a look back at our first ten years of practice. Back in September 2010, patent mining and landscaping tools were still in their infancy, limited to basic quantitative counts over time and classes. Having experimented the benefit of using patent analytics data to guide R&D as well as M&A development choices in the high-tech corporate world, IPStudies’s founder, Corinne Le Buhan, envisioned the need to bring this information to Swiss technology “grown-ups” as early as possible in their product development cycle. By going beyond the extraction of austere lists of patent numbers to visually highlight their development context, it becomes much easier to benchmark and thus optimize the IP development positioning for companies exposed to highly competitive environments.

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On the patents behind CRISPR babies

Just as everyone, we heard the news on the first genetically engineered babies in mankind’s history. We took a closer look this morning into our patent data to check if there’s any published details already available. Indeed, the Chinese patent office publishes its data earlier than the other countries, sometimes as early as 3 months after the filing, so if the babies are born now, there’s a good chance that the Chinese patent data is already available.

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IPStudies Biotech patent analytics 5th anniversary at #BIO2018

We celebrate our 5th anniversary of biotech patent analytics in 2018 – that is a bit younger than the 25th anniversary of BIO2018, but we’re joining the party in Boston!

CRISPR and more generally gene editing is on many agendas this year, and we’re taking this opportunity to release a couple of new IPStudies analytics report out of our unique, exhaustive review of CRISPR-related worldwide patent applications since mid-2014:

  • a zoom on the micro-organisms subset of the landscape;
  • a review of the IP strategy of an unexpected player which has constantly ranked in the top applicants of our landscape, besides being more specialized in the ZFN technology: Sangamo Biosciences

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Myths and realities on DuPont CRISPR assets

On the agriculture side, IAM just published this week some basic quantitative data analytics spotting DuPont as the leader in CRISPR patent assets. The IAM interview also highlighted some questions about the licensing position of DuPont in the CRISPR patent battle. This was quite surprising to read for us as this information has been publicly known since 2014 and regularly compiled in both our patent and licensing landscapes. Let’s take a closer scrutiny into the DuPont CRISPR assets. In our monitoring of licensing data since 2014, we have actually spotted DuPont Pioneer as one of the earliest player to position their licensing-in in a very strategic way:

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January 2018 – CRISPR update

The past six months have been very busy for IPStudies, serving our CRISPR monthly data monitoring to an increasing number of subscribers. We search, sort, analyze and classify an average of 100 new CRISPR patent families every month. We’ve also answered to a number of interviews with our latest statistical data as compiled in our August update of the 2017 CRISPR patent landscape. Here is a quick review of the past months significant updates in the CRISPR patent landscape:

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Launch of the Swiss Patent Information User Group – CHPUIG

Press Release


Neuchâtel, the 02.11.2017 – Patent information is a strategic resource for innovative companies all around the world. Data access, difficulties induced by Asian countries patent application increase or the need to master information processing software with increasing complexity are some of the challenges that the patent information users face.

To allow a free exchange of good practices and raise general public and major companies awareness of their profession, patent information user groups have been created in many European countries, based on the US PIUG model (Patent Information User Group).

Since such group didn’t exist in Switzerland, facing the need for a space of free exchange between professionals in a national economy relaying massively on Intellectual Property, several Swiss patent information professionals decided to create the CHPIUG – Swiss Patent Information User Group.

This association, created in September 2017, gave itself a double mission: allow professionals to meet and have free exchange about good practices and tools; present their profession to companies and general public with an emphasis on the strategic questions related to patent information. It also has the mission to allow interested professionals to train on patent information use.

The association is open to any professional interested in patent information, under the condition that his main IP operates sits in Switzerland.

For more information or to join the association: www.chpiug.ch

David Borel
CHPIUG President president@chpiug.ch

Charles Madore
CHPIUG Secretary madore@patentattorneys.ch

June 2017 – Acceleration of the CRISPR patent landscape growth

Three years ago, we finalized our first CRISPR patent landscape analysis, at that time combined with an analysis of the TALE patent landscape which was then significantly larger. There were only 90 CRISPR patent families in this early analysis… that is less than the whole set of new CRISPR patent publications in the past single month: 116 additional patent families in our latest CRISPR patent analytics data set.

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