More CRISPR interfering inventors may come from Vilnius

Earlier this month, we were interviewed by The Scientist regarding the side inventorship dispute between Feng Zhang and Luciano Marraffini on some of the Broad patent applications. Public registers at the USPTO, WIPO and the EPO expose further details of the otherwise un-publicized legal battles for invention ownership between their employers (the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT and Rockfeller University), back from the 2012-2013 early filings.

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US inventor veterans at Intellectual Ventures are inventing around CRISPR gene editing

As both patent analysts and strategists, we like to look into the “weak signals” hidden behind the main trends of our landscapes, such as emerging design around solutions, original applications and new unexpected players entering the field.
In our latest update of our CRISPR patent landscape, we were surprised to discover a PCT patent application from a couple of senior inventors from Nathan Myhrvold’s team at Intellectual Ventures.
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IP management practices – How early inventor collaboration can help faster granting at USPTO


In the CRISPR-CAS patent landscape, the file history of US patent 8’697’359 by Dr. Feng Zhang from the Broad Institute highlights how a “get this one granted fast” IP strategy can be enforced in IP management practice with a strong collaboration from the inventors, at least in the USPTO prosecution, and especially in a research field where a large part of the prior art is academic.

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