blueFactory 2013-2038

Le concours initial d’idées de s’est achevé aujourd’hui avec l’annonce des 10 gagnants, dont j’ai le plaisir de faire partie:

“Du tangible à l’intangible (Corinne Le Buhan)

Un projet présenté sous une forme très originale et pleine d’humour où la lauréate se projette dans le futur et nous entraine dans un rêve éveillé à la fois chimérique et structuré, et qui combine l’aspect technologique et un aspect particulièrement créatif grâce par exemple à son « Botzipple », réseau sensoriel (combinaison des produits Apple et de la poire à botzi)!

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Initiatives towards a Human Potential Index beyond GDP

The Economist-Innocentive challenge has inspired at least one other published initiative according to my google search: the Continuum Development Index. Interestingly, the author, Brandon Peele, also started from the pyramids of needs by Maslow. While I specialized my proposal on the creative sharing measurement as the best proxy to self-actualization I could think of, Brandon took a larger view by trying to define a framework encompassing many more areas of our needs, and also taking into account the trans-generational transmission.

Human Potential Index Maslow Pyramid

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Interview at The Economist’s Ideas Economy: Human Potential conference

Corinne Le Buhan to discuss the future of work at The Economist's Ideas Economy: Human Potential Conference

As the winner of The Economist-Innocentive Human Potential Index challenge, I have the great opportunity to join other notable business leaders, management thinkers, authors and intellectuals who will discuss the future of work at The Economist’s second annual Ideas Economy: Human Potential conference on Sept 14th-15th at The Times Center in New York City…

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The first year milestone

IPStudies celebrates its first year of activity on September 1st, 2011 – launching a brand new web site to more dynamically promote new services and partnerships  – those that can be disclosed 😉 -, as well as breaking news and publications.

The blog part has been entirely revisited to facilitate publishing and referencing, and hopefully also improve your reader experience.

So, let’s start evaluating this with the first year birthday virtual speech!

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